Thursday, March 27, 2008

April 8th Second Tuesday HFPE Activities

This week's E-Activities (thanks for the term, Christine) were a huge success.  Stay tuned for next month's flavors coming on Tuesday, May 13th.

This month we did:
Sewing-- Sewing baby sleepers for Kylie Simmons
Carmel Corn Making- Making home made carmel popcorn
Scrabble Gaming-- playing Speed Scrabble while eating carmel corn
Family Search Training-- learn to use the new program or just come to work on your geneology or indexing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to thank Penny and Chantal, our Enrichment leaders for a successful and fun E-Activity last night. There was something of interest for all who wanted to come. I learned a few new things about some sisters! Visiting was an uplift for me. Thanks again for helping our sisterhood grow and our service to others.